Tuesday 14 April 2009

RMT strike ballot re run

bob-crowNews just in that Bob Crow's RMT will need to re-run a ballot for strike action after it fell foul of the law with the last one. Never a stranger to bending the rules the RMT have lost a legal challenge from TfL.

Needless to say Communist Bob has vowed to re-run the ballot and no doubt is even more determined to pull another strike. I assume he will do his usual trick and try to coincide it with a bank holiday weekend or a major sporting event, as usual.

The world according to the RMT here

More to follow.

1 comment:

  1. [...] 7, 2009 by W12 From swine flu, to well, Bob Crow. I reported here that Communist Bob had allowed his Union to break the law in the way it ran a recent ballot for [...]
